The art contest ‘Hu hu ha, zima wcale nie jest taka zła’ is addressed to the children of employees who work at ALCHEMIA. Its purpose is to present perception and memories from holidays and develop visual skills and imagination among children and adolescents.

Competition works should be made in A3 format, any technique using:

  • pencil,
  • crayons,
  • markers,
  • paints,
  • plasticine,
  • glue,
  • paper
  • cutouts. 

We wait for ‘holiday postcards’ until Friday, March 22, 2018.

Please submit all works to the secretariat of the TORUS company – 11th floor of the ARGON building, located at al. Grunwaldzka 415 in Gdańsk.

The contact person on the contest issues is Natalia Manuszewska (from TORUS) – e-mail:



The aim of the contest is to build the Alchemia employee community though a creative and unique way. The secondary purpose of the contest is to promote the Tricity agglomeration as a place ideal for business and everyday living, drawing in talented employees from Poland and abroad. The objective is to spot a „Giant” hidden among Tricity landmarks and architectural features and to photograph it.


The main prize for the competition is a GoPro Hero 5 Session camera + accessories.The contest will close with a prize draw in September 2018.