Every single implementation project of ours (regarding technical and technological solutions) starts with a brainstorm, with no exceptions. During our internal meetings, we put all our ideas on the table, even the ones that seems apparently dreamlike, and later we discuss and verify everything in a multidisciplinary and inter-departmental setting.
Upon conducting the conceptual analysis, a particular list of ideas/solutions emerges, to be verified later by the technical-engineering department. The task is far from easy, though. One must create conditions close to the real ones so as to be able to assess a particular performance model credibly and reliably. Then, several-week-long research is done on the model during which respective departmental specialists collect trends, analyse the influence on technical infrastructure, maintenance costs, and on the end user. All these aspects make up a financial analysis of a particular solution as well. The objective is to find the confirmation (or denial) of the validity of a specific implementation, on the economic-practical level. In other words, we need to have a clear justification for the increase of investment expenditures, indicate tangible resulting benefits, e.g. a distinct impact on the decrease of maintenance costs, boosting user’s comfort, or enhancing the facility safety.
It is worth underlining that once an idea has been implemented, it is of vital importance to receive respective feedback from the end user, which will validate the performance of the applied solution in the real-life conditions. Consequently, it might lead to the correction of the applied solution

Such an operating mode regarding innovative ideas was being introduced throughout the realization process of multiple original implementations/innovations of ours, which were later looked upon and investigated by the market. The first example: energy safety of the building. The project embraced several areas, a novel solution at the time of synchronising the work of power generators with the energy grid. Under guidance of the head of the electric department, we drew up a method of uninterrupted, partial (and parallel) power supply of the building from both the external source (from the provider), and from the internal source (generated) as well. Consequently, we were able to provide the continuity of performance of the most important systems of the building, regardless of external malfunctions or limitations, the frequency of which is ever growing. The project works also incorporated the development of an algorithm governing the work of the ice water generator, as well as an algorithm for humidifiers.
Another interesting idea which we worked on concerns the user’s work comfort. Our work successfully yielded a specific solution which enabled the creation of mini comfort zones within a particular piece of a larger space. The warmth or cold, to some extent, are subjective sensations and preferences, similarly to the lighting/light supply. Thanks to our implementation, the users of our office spaces could – through the proper setting of respective parameters – create a more customised working environment, with regard to warmth, cold, and light. In result, they set up an ideally comfortable temperature for work, and supplied themselves with a desired amount of light.
Another example: facility security. The entry onto the area of the building must be limited owing to safety reasons, having in mind both the people working in the building, and the business run within as well. In order to provide a proper level of security, it was necessary to think through and optimize multiple solutions, for example, within the parking system. It was also essential to limit access to the sensitive parts of the building, i.e. technical infrastructure facilities. One of such facilities is the room that houses power generators which, in turn, guarantee energy safety.
Our heads are full of ideas. We are also making in-depth observations of the market. Over the years, we have conducted scrupulous analyses of numerous alleged technical novelties, which in real life solved no problems, nor generated tangible benefits for the user. As a team, I do think we have done a fairly decent job on the office market. Now, we are starting to wonder what interesting ideas we can come up with in the residential buildings.