Investor cooperation
We know the developer’s industry inside out. We have gained experience as an investor, and general contractor as well. We are knowledgeable about commercialization and management. It is all acknowledged by multiple market successes. We consistently conduct our own strategy of development. We are a credible partner in numerous investment processes on the real estate market.
sold properties
- transactions with 7 investment fund
million Euro
– combined sales value
m2 built space
We are part of greater whole
Professional operator managing more than 20 hotels across Poland, including 8 five-star facilities
Investor, general contractor, real estate managing entity
Owner of office buildings and warehouse facilities (investment products)
Owner of 3 hotels in Tricity and office building – Gdańsk Officyna (real estate in equity portfolio)
Included in equity portfolio, three hotels in Poland: Altus Palace in Wrocław; Altus Poznań Old Town in Poznań, Unicus Palace in Kraków
It was established in 1991 as one of the first private educational publishing houses in Poland and has a significant market share to this day. It is the oldest of the entities in the Capital Group.
Professional operator managing more than 20 hotels across Poland, including 8 five-star facilities
Investor, general contractor, real estate managing entity
Owner of office buildings and warehouse facilities (investment products)
Owner of 3 hotels in Tricity and office building – Gdańsk Officyna (real estate in equity portfolio)
Included in equity portfolio, three hotels in Poland: Altus Palace in Wrocław; Altus Poznań Old Town in Poznań, Unicus Palace in Kraków
It was established in 1991 as one of the first private educational publishing houses in Poland and has a significant market share to this day. It is the oldest of the entities in the Capital Group.
Developer 360
From economic analysis, through conceptual and architectural work, up to documentation (i.e. opinions, arrangements, administrative decisions, technical conditions). We support our partners in conducting each stage of this complex process.
We combine general contracting with investor supervision. A team of experienced specialists sees to everything. It is technical, engineering, and cost optimisation, alongside full quality control in every stage of the investment realization.
Advanced technologies, building management systems (BMS), or energy-saving appliances, require proper supervision, expertise, and technical competences. We’ve got it! Our multidisciplinary management team operates within a vast array of activities related to the comprehensive facility management.
Investment properties
- Offices
- Hotels
- Warehouses

The location in Redłowo, in close vicinity of Aleja Zwycięstwa, and the SKM Redłowo train station, turns this investment into a gate to the city of Gdynia. It opens up multiple opportunities for diverse creation of attractive space. The planned investment, with the potential of c.a. 30,000 square metres of usable space, makes it possible to combine numerous functions in this place, from commercial services, through hotel or office facilities, up to PRS.

The 1000-year-long history of Gdańsk makes an impression, also upon us. The recovery into the urban tissue of the historic buildings of a malt house or brewery, and later bakery, is a project that exceeds ordinary numbers, in this case, 4,500 square metres of space. As a matter of fact, this investment allows you to take advantage of all upsides of living in a historical centre. One can live, work, and rest in this place, while witnessing history, and co-creating its new, modern chapter.

The Przymorze Małe district, over the last couple of years, has been taking on a new face. Office buildings, developing in this part of the city, opened up new possibilities for the surroundings, while also giving rise to the needs for new PRS investments, i.e. apartments for rent. The Droszyńskiego investment envisages, within the already-granted building permit, the emergence of two buildings of the total usable space (PUU) of 10,500 m2. One building is to operate as an aparthotel, while the other as a dormitory hotel, with the combined number of four hundred apartments.

It is an office building which – similarly to Alchemia – changed the picture of a post-industrial, rundown urban space. The brownfield-type investment brought nearly 16,000 m2 of leasable space onto the market. Format underlines a consistent approach of Torus to sustainable construction, through investments located in fantastic communication hubs – which in this case are the business quarters of Gdańsk. Flexible attitude, alongside adequate responding to the market needs, resulted in the 100% level of lease, all done in a noticeably short, pandemic-ravaged time. The building boasts certificates of LEED Platinum (highest level) and Obiekt bez Barier (Facility without Barriers).

One cannot ignore this elegant office building which fits perfectly into its surrounding, no matter if you drive by, travel by SKM/PKM/PKP, cycle around, or just walk by. Punkt brings into this top location 13,000 square metres of modern space, dedicated to various forms of business. The building goes by the second name of ‘the best located Tricity offices transport-wise’, and it is for a good reason. The location, in Wrzeszcz, is just second to none. It is characterized by an extensive neighbourhood of trade, commercial services, and recreational areas. The building is subject to certification, while also catering to the needs of people with disabilities in terms of unobstructed movement.

It is a tandem of boutique office buildings located in the heart of Gdańsk Wrzeszcz. When considering an office in Officyna, it is the cosiness and comfortable, prestigious location that first come to mind. Inside the buildings, whose total leasable area amounts to 12,300 m2, we have taken care of high quality and standard of space, with everything based on sustainable construction. There are also multiple commercial services available around, an important aspect from the employee’s point of view, with biophilia playing a vital role in the direct vicinity of Officyna.

Without a doubt, it is a modern and superbly situated urban warehouse facility. Its total area stands at 22,140 m2, including 1,300 m2 of office space, making up a functional supply base for the building. The investment is being erected based on sustainable urban construction – the facility is to undergo the BREEAM certification process on the Excellent level. Location – on Północna Street in Gdynia, merely 5 km away from the Port of Gdynia, 9 km from the city centre, in close vicinity of the state road S6. It all constitutes further proof how meticulously Torus selects sites for its investments, which later become attractive investment products.

It is a compound of buildings located in Gdańsk Oliwa – the business heart of the city. Its total leasable area amounts to over 122,000 m2. Since the outset of the construction process, Alchemia has been synonymous to a step-forward thinking when it comes to city commercial buildings, and the office space itself. It set qualitative and functional standards not only on the Tricity market, but all across Poland as well. One of the examples comes in the form of an in-building sports-recreational centre, with swimming pools, saunas, fitness spa, and climbing zone. Its area covers 4,000 m2. Additionally, four-fold platinum (highest level) certificates in green building (LEED). Alongside Alchemia, Torus built a tunnel leading from the SKM train station onto the investment site, and a bus stop by Aleja Grunwaldzka. The amenities are being utilized by respective employees, local residents, as well as students making their way to the nearby university campus.

This is exactly in this place where the history of office spaces in the Tricity begins! Arkońska is the first Gdańsk-based class-A office park, with a combined space of 30,000 m2. The buildings stand out with timeless architecture, intertwining functionality with the care for every detail. The investment, in the period of its emergence, was exceeding the market in terms of technological solutions or sustainable construction. It quickly gained interest from tenants, becoming a valuable investment product in a short time frame.
Numbers speak for themselves
22 years on the market
20 completed investments
2 revitalisations
92% average investment
lease rate when sold
122 lease agreements
180,000 m2
of delivered commercial space
2500 subcontractors
involved in construction processes
over 120 completed
fitout projects
300,000 planted trees
by 3,650 representatives of business in 4 editions of our campaign ‘Do Nasadzenia’
25 completed investments
3 revitalisations
20 entities
Tyle sprawdzonych firm architektonicznych, podwykonawców budowlanych, dostawców materiałów, systemów i urządzeń, stanowi nasze zaplecze deweloperskie
7 certyfikatów
Do tej pory 7 naszych budynków uzyskało certyfikaty w restrykcyjnym, amerykańskim systemie LEED – wszystkie na najwyższym, platynowym poziomie
50 projektów aranżacji
Zrealizowanych przez nasz Dział Projektowy
45 inżynierów
Ponad połowa naszego zespołu to doświadczeni na rynku inżynierzy oraz architekci, którzy stanowią o naszej technicznej wiedzy i dewelopersko-budowalnym know-how
Investment properties
37.8 million inhabitants
17.2 million professionally active
~25% population with university degree
1,223,629 students
292,605 college graduates (academic year 2022/2023)
>350,000 persons hired in BSS sector
foreign investments of 133 billion zloty in value (2023, PIE estimate)
Strategic location in Europe, Mid-Eastern Europe leader
1.6 million agglomeration residents
>188 BSS segment companies (increase by 30% within 6 years)
18 universities and academic institutions
>1 million square metres of modern office space
>1.4 million square metres of modern warehouse space in Tricity
1st and 2nd place (for Gdynia and Gdańsk respectively) in ranking of cities with highest level of happiness
~90 regular flight connections serviced by Lech Wałęsa airport
Port Gdańsk has been the fastest developing port in the Baltic over the last decade, at the same time being the second-biggest port, and the first container port in the Baltic sea
1,6 mln mieszkańców aglomeracji
>188 firm z sektora BSS
ponad 30% w ciągu 6 lat)
18 uniwersytetów i szkół wyższych
>1 mln m2 nowoczesnej powierzchni biurowej
>1,4 mln m2 nowoczesnej powierzchni magazynowej w Trójmieście
1 i 2. miejsce (odpowiednio dla Gdyni i Gdańska) w rankingu miast o najwyższym poziomie szczęścia
~90 regularnych połączeń obsługiwanych przez Port Lotniczy im. Lecha Wałęsy w Gdańsku
Port Gdańsk to w ostatniej dekadzie najszybciej rozwijający się port na Bałtyku, będący jednocześnie drugim największym portem tego akwenu i pierwszym portem kontenerowym
DNA of our activity
We liven up urban space, introducing new functions, while increasing living comforts and safety.
We invest in rundown, post-industrial areas.
15-minute city
Our investments perfectly blend into the concept. We locate them in strategic places.
Transport availability
We consistently concentrate our investment activities along the main Tricity thoroughfare, close to train and bus stations.
Sustainable construction
We certify all our investments and are Tricity leaders – 7 buildings erected by Torus received the highest rating in the LEED system – Platinum.
Social accountability
For years, we have been sponsoring local sport (Wybrzeże Gdańsk handball team); we are involved, and host all sorts of events. We have planted 300,000 trees in Kaszuby (‘Do Nasadzenia’ events), collected over 300 litres of blood (blood donating campaign), and organized 6 editions of sports competition – Torus Triathlon In Da House.
Without barriers
We adapt our investments to the needs of people with disabilities, receiving ‘Obiekt bez Barier’ (‘Facility without Barriers’) certificate
We are a family company, for whom transparency, integrity, and accountability are paramount business values.
We set ourselves particular goals, and later gauge efficiency of their realization. We are a leader in north Poland with regard to certification of commercial buildings. We operate within the spirit of transparency, equality, and respect toward people and natural environment.
Buildings with LEED certificate on highest level – Platinum
5th place
In Poland as for highest point scores in LEED certification processes
Bicycle parking spots in Alchemia compound
We conduct most investments in rundown, post-industrial areas, assigning them new functions
Employment security
For many employees, we are their first employer.
Transparency, integrity, and responsibility are requirements placed on the management board by owners.
Take a look how we do it
Constructional, technological, and functional solutions, thanks to which we respond to the requirements of tomorrow.